gold colored diamond engagement ring

Woman Shocked by Lab-Grown Diamonds After Cruise Ship Jewelry “Sale”

On the final day of her Royal Caribbean cruise aboard the Rhapsody of the Seas, one passenger was drawn to the jewelry shop. As a last-minute sale with 50% off on a variety of items, the offer seemed too good to pass up. The ring she chose, originally priced at $2,400, now appeared as a steal at just $1,200. The woman, who asked to remain anonymous, didn’t realize that the “discounts” were based on inflated original prices — a tactic often used in cruise ship shops to encourage last-minute purchases. But what she really took umbrage to was the discovery that the “genuine” diamond ring featured lab-grown stones.

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Sleazy Salesman or Uninformed Buyer?

The passenger – let’s call her Sarah – spent an enjoyable 7-night cruise aboard the Royal Caribbean cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas. She had no plans to purchase jewelry, but on the final night of her cruise, she made an impulse buy that she later regretted.

The Last-Day Flash Sale

On the sixth day of her cruise, Sarah noticed that the jewelry shop was hosting a “last-day sale.” The heavily advertised 50% off deals were too tempting to resist. As she browsed through the shop, Sarah came across a 1-carat diamond ring originally priced at $2,400, now marked down to $1,200. The large discount seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At the time, Sarah was excited about the deal, though she didn’t know much about diamonds.

Sarah reported that the store was quite chaotic during that final night, with many other passengers eager to cash in on the sale. Due to the busy-ness, all jewelry buyers were told to return at 9:30 p.m. to pick up the Certificate of Authenticity for their items. According to Sarah, the salesperson didn’t mention the diamonds’ origins at any point during the transaction, nor did she think to ask. She felt the price was right for what appeared to be a high-quality piece of jewelry.

The Certificate of Authenticity Surprise

Later that evening, Amy returned to the shop to collect her Certificate of Authenticity. However, caught up in the excitement of preparing for debarkation, she didn’t closely examine the certificate at the time. It wasn’t until she reviewed the Certificate of Authenticity back at home that she learned that the ring featured lab-grown diamonds. Amy assumed she’d bought a high-quality diamond ring with natural diamonds. Her initial excitement quickly turned to frustration as she felt misled.

Complaint to Starboard Cruise Services

Feeling deceived, Sarah immediately wrote a letter of complaint to Starboard Cruise Services, the company behind the jewelry shop on the Rhapsody of the Seas. She expressed her dissatisfaction with the purchase and the fact that the salesperson had never mentioned the diamonds’ lab-grown nature. Sarah felt that the way the sale had been handled—along with the late delivery of the Certificate of Authenticity—was a deliberate attempt to mislead passengers into buying diamonds without fully understanding what they were getting.

In her complaint, Sarah wrote, “I believe it was a scam because it was advertised as a ‘last day sale’ with huge discounts. I know other people are buying these types of rings, but not me. This salesperson’s tactics were misleading and wrong.”

Starboard Cruise Services’ Response

Starboard Cruise Services quickly responded to Sarah’s complaint. They explained that the display cases and marketing materials clearly labeled the diamonds as lab-grown, and the salesperson had indeed specified this information during the sale. Starboard further emphasized that their return policy strictly stated that “All Sales Are Final” once passengers had disembarked. Because Sarah had left the ship, she was outside the return window. Starboard also clarified that the Certificate of Authenticity was usually handed out on the last night at 9:30 p.m. to avoid disrupting passengers’ activities during the day. The company indicated that the salesperson had been retrained to ensure clearer communication in the future.

Understanding Lab-Grown Diamonds

One important thing to understand when buying jewelry is that lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds. They have the same chemical, physical, and optical properties as mined diamonds but are created in laboratories under controlled conditions. Lab-grown diamonds can be made much more quickly and at a lower cost, making them an appealing alternative to mined diamonds for many consumers.

In Sarah’s case, the real issue was transparency. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), lab-grown diamonds must be clearly labeled as such, so buyers know what they are purchasing. As the FTC guidelines state, using terms like “cultured” or “laboratory-grown” is acceptable, as long as the labeling is clear and prominent. Starboard had followed the correct labeling guidelines and the receipt listed the stones as lab-grown. Therefore, Sarah’s complaint became a matter of miscommunication and expectations, not fraud.

A Final Offer from Starboard Cruise Services

After contacting Consumer Rescue for guidance, Sarah got a surprising resolution: Starboard Cruise Services agreed to take the diamond ring back and offer a full refund as a one-time courtesy. This goodwill gesture demonstrated that, while policies are important, companies may be willing to reconsider their stance in cases where consumers feel truly misled.

The company’s final message to Sarah was: “Due to your experience with your recent purchase, we would like to offer you a full refund for the return of the piece as a one-time courtesy. Please be advised that our policy is also published on the back of the certificate and states that returns and exchanges are available while on the same sailing. Returns for refunds are not available after disembarkation.”

What to Know Before Buying Jewelry on a Cruise

Sarah’s experience highlights the importance of researching your purchases, especially when buying high-ticket items like jewelry on a cruise. Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Do Your Research – Before making any jewelry purchase, understand the 4Cs of diamonds: Carat, Color, Clarity, and Cut. Familiarize yourself with the differences between lab-grown and mined diamonds and make sure you know what you’re buying.
  2. Watch Out for Sales Tactics – Flash sales and last-minute discounts can create a sense of urgency that clouds judgment. Wait until you’ve done the research and consider whether you truly want to make the purchase.
  3. Check the Certificate of Authenticity Immediately – Don’t wait until you’re home to examine the details on your jewelry certificate. It’s your responsibility to verify that everything is as expected before leaving the ship.
  4. Understand the Return Policy – Be aware of the store’s return policy before making a purchase, especially if it’s an “All Sales Are Final” situation. If you have doubts, ask about the policy upfront.

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